We Are

PURE CLEAR is a pioneering integrator of proven technologies which optimize the ESG performance of the environments where people live and work.


To ensure every building can provide access to pure, drinkable water – Fundamental human rights, not privileges.


Innovation, sustainability, and equality. PURE CLEAR is dedicated to bring affordable and effective access to pure and clean water for all.


A sustainable future where health amenities are integrated into the standard infrastructure in hotels, residential and commercial buildings.

Our buildings should keep us healthy

We spend over 90% of our time indoors. Polluted indoor environments can influence negatively almost every aspect of our lives, from our moods and energy levels to our sleep and productivity. We make the invisible threats gone, so the future is PURE CLEAR.

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Ehud Kremer

Ehud Kremer

Founder & President

Gil is the Founder and former President of Mishorim Investments (MSHR) and Skyline Investments (SKLN). Both are international real estate companies listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

Over the past 3 decades, Mr. Blutich’s ability to predict trends, and his innovative approach to real estate investing, successfully achieved an average IRR of 45% for his investors.

His entrepreneurial vision and commitment to elevating health and safety in residential and commercial communities around the globe have propelled Clear into the spotlight.


Daniel Patley

Daniel Patley

Chief Executive Officer

Ron Blutrich is a PhD in Molecular Genetics from UofT specializing in research on the molecular mechanisms for lifespan. His personal experiences with waterborne infections led to a change of focus from prolonging life toward finding practical solutions for protecting health. Ron’s background in biological research, mathematics, statistics and computer science has been integral for leading CLEAR’s research and development department.


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